Moving Beyond Resolutions & Promising Equity

Every January it’s customary to make a New Year’s resolution to change an aspect of your life. This year, as the founder of Elevating Equity, I’m moving beyond resolutions and making a promise. I promise to create spaces for educators and community members to examine race and ensure every child receives an equitable education.


As I’ve shared my promise with friends, family members, and fellow educators I’ve been asked the question, “Why focus on race?” The answer to this question lies in news stories from 2015.


·      Muslim 9th Grader Arrested for Bringing Clock to School

·      Video Shows Cop Body-Slamming High School Student in South Carolina

·      Racial Tension and Protest on Campuses Across the Country  

·      Court Divided Over University of Texas Race-Conscious Admissions

·      Black Students Disproportionately Suspended in North Carolina


According to a nationwide poll conducted by CNN and the Kaiser Family Foundation 49% of Americans believe racism is a big problem in our society. Meanwhile, a New York Times/CBS News poll shows that nearly four in 10 Americans think race relations are getting worse. 


Despite evidence that race is a determining factor (whether consciously or subconsciously) in how our students are treated, it remains a topic that most avoid. Discussing the impact race has on our lives and our actions can be challenging and uncomfortable particularly in the education setting. Yet as educators, parents, and community members we bare the responsibility of ensuring the success of every student. This can’t be done without addressing their academic, social, and societal needs.


In 2016, Elevating Equity would love to partner with you to design and facilitate conversations about race and support you by providing recommendations for how to promote equity for all stakeholders.


Contact us if 2016 is the year you’re ready to ensure every child receives an equitable education.

Rachel Willis