Ensuring Equity Through Educators

We design professional development experiences for classroom teachers and school leaders that allow them to understand how racism impacts their students’ academic experiences. Participants explore their implicit bias and the impact it has on students, learn how to react when they witness acts of racism in their schools or communities, and explore what it means to prioritize racial justice in education.

Ensuring Equity Through Leadership

Equity consultants provide support to schools, districts, and education organizations by conducting site visits, analyzing data about culture and climate, and helping leaders develop and refine systems for family engagement, discipline policies, teacher evaluations, and hiring and retention of staff. They can also design experiences meant to build relationships among teams so that teachers feel supported in their work.

Examining race and Equity

We design and facilitate sessions that address topics including, but not limited to, Understanding the history of race in America; Examining privilege and intersectionality; Reflecting on the impact of race in our daily lives; Recognizing and challenging implicit bias; race today, and reacting to current events.

Ensuring Equity at Work

Companies and organizations can engage with Elevating using our three-tiered approach: 

  • At the start of our partnership we customize workshops to allow organizations to build and restore racial equity in the workplace.   

  • To ensure our partners maintain their understanding and commitment to racial equity, we offer quarterly onboarding sessions so that every new employee they hire is well versed in how to create and sustain a racially equitable environment. 

  • We guide executive leadership teams through the change management process as they create policies and procedures that promote racial equity.